Our Lawn Care & Pest Control Blog

Lawn care and pest control can be confusing—whether you are testing DIY methods or are looking to work with professionals—but we’re here to make things easy! Our blog has expert tips, industry updates, and more.

Wasp on tree branch
Bees vs. Wasps

Although bees and wasps share an annoying trait, the ability to sting people, there are some significant differences between these insects. 

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Rat nest
Most Common Rodents Found in Florida Homes

Rodents are rampant in every part of the world. But sometimes, it's important to know the kind of species you're more likely to find in your home so you can know what to look for in the event of an infestation. Here are the most common rodents found in Venice homes.

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White sand fly
Common Beach Insects

Now that the summer is here and the country is starting to open up again, it’s time to start thinking about one of our favorite past-times: spending a nice, relaxing day at the beach.

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